The OP MC 5: God of Winning Page 8
“You were always a smart one,” I laughed. “Like when you were cheating at your lessons as a child, and your mom would never catch you.”
“You know all about me?” Cornelius raised a surprised eyebrow.
“I know what day you were married, the births of your children, when you moved, and where you’ve lived.” I shrugged. “Need I go on?”
“No, no.” The baker shook his head. “I believe you… As odd as it is, I feel as though I can trust you.”
“That’s because we’ve actually spent a great deal of time together,” I informed him in a mysterious voice. “You just don’t remember.”
“I…” The baker continued to shake his head like it hurt his brain to comprehend my power. Finally, the man swallowed hard, and he lifted his eyes to mine. “I am honored to finally meet you, Great One… Forgive my initial rudeness, I thought you a regular man at first.”
“I’m happy you’re here.” I grinned. “Bastianville has been in need of a good baker for some time now, but you aren’t going to make much of a life here being mean to customers.”
“Yes, I am sorry.” The man bowed his head and frowned. “My wife often tells me I have a sour disposition, and she’s asked me to be nicer.”
“You should take her advice,” I chuckled. “No harm done with me, though. I’m glad you are here, and we welcome you with open arms.
“Thank you so much, Great One.” The baker grinned back at me, and some of the tension eased from his shoulders. He must have been having a really bad day until I showed up, and it made me feel good to lift his mood.
I chalked the interaction up to a success, and I knew some people couldn’t be won over with cheap parlor tricks, but that just made the challenge that much more satisfying to beat.
After the bakery, Mahini and I toured the rest of the shops in town, and we spent all the money we’d brought with us in her little coin bag. I purchased some wooden crates to store some of the treasure and gold in, and the desert goddess bought some leather for crafting into armor. We both purchased some candy from the sweet shop, too, and we were walking down the lane with our goods in hand when I spotted a row of houses in mid-construction.
“Let’s go check that out,” I said as I jerked my chin toward the new street full of houses.
Mahini nodded curtly, and she stayed by my side as I changed direction.
“They work fast,” Mahini observed as she eyed a group of men pulling the framework up and nailing it together. “I wonder if the need for houses is really so urgent?”
“The population continues to grow,” I pointed out with a shrug. “It won’t be long before the town is pushing against the walls surrounding it.”
“Like in the big cities we’ve visited,” Mahini agreed.
We walked down the street to where it dead ended at the wall, and then we turned back and headed toward our own home. I was ready to put down the packages and items I carried, and I missed the two girls who had stayed in bed.
They couldn’t possibly still be sleeping, could they?
The sun had carved a path across the sky while Mahini and I had shopped, and it was close to mid-day. We’d bought some extra kayso diyas for the two girls who had remained at home, as well as more for me to eat as my lunch, and my stomach growled at the thought of the delicious food.
“Let’s get home,” I suggested. “I want to eat my lunch before it gets too cold.”
“Good idea.” Mahini nodded, and we both quickened our pace slightly. We were too overburdened with our purchases to run, but we walked swiftly the rest of the way.
Once we reached the porch, I quickly trotted up the steps and inside the open door. I almost barreled into Jorgen who was on his way out, and I inhaled sharply as I jumped back.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I apologized, and then I peeked into the living room where a pile of gold and treasure sat in the middle of the floor waiting for me. “Now, that’s a pretty sight.”
“We’re almost done, sir,” Jorgen informed me. “Just a few more trips left.”
“Oh, good,” Mahini sighed, and an expression of relief flashed across her normally stoic face.
“What’s that mean?” I asked as I tilted my head to the side and peered at her curiously.
“Nothing,” she said quickly, and she turned toward the stairs. “I’m taking my stuff upstairs.”
The desert goddess left the room without another word, and I shook my head in amusement. I had a feeling the secret the girls had been whispering about was going to be revealed tonight, and excitement coursed through my veins.
Anything important enough to keep secret from me had to be really good.
I emptied my arms onto the couch, and then I retrieved all the food and took it into the kitchen. I felt like a good husband as I made a tray full of the kayso diyas, the exotic fruit I’d bought from another vendor, and the sweet nectar juice I’d gotten from a third. It was a nice little lunch rich in delicacies from far away lands, and I grinned from ear to ear as I carried it up the stairs to the bedroom.
The three girls were all on the bed when I entered the room, and Elissa and Eva greeted me with sleepy smiles.
“Good morning, husband,” my wife murmured as she fluttered her eyelashes at me. “What do you have there?”
“Lunch,” I chuckled. “You both slept till almost mid-day.”
“I haven’t slept that well in weeks,” Eva admitted with a yawn. “It was much-needed. Besides, I’ll need all my energy and strength later.”
“And why is that?” I arched one eyebrow as I tried to maintain a casual tone.
“Oh, no reason,” the duke’s daughter answered with a flippant wave of her hand. “Don’t worry about it.”
“If we don’t tell him soon, he very well may agree to go spend time with one of the townspeople or something,” Mahini whispered in a conspiratorial tone. “Perhaps we should inform him of our plans now.”
“I’m so ready to hear what you three have been whispering about.” I smirked.
“Okay,” Elissa giggled. “We can tell him.”
“You’re his first woman, Mahini,” Eva said. “You should be the one.”
“Let’s do it together,” the desert goddess replied with a soft smile. “I know he loves us all equally.”
“Out with it already!” I urged as my impatience got the best of me.
The three women exchanged a knowing glance before they turned to me with mischievous smiles and desire in their eyes.
“We’d like you to take all of us,” Elissa said.
“At the same time,” Eva added.
“And tell us how to please each other,” Mahini finished.
My jaw dropped, and my eyes widened to the size of saucers.
How in the fuck did I get so lucky?
“You… you want to have a foursome?” My knees buckled, and my cock instantly hardened against the restriction of my pants.
“Is that what it’s called?” Eva tilted her head to the side. “It would be all four of us.”
“That sounds like heaven,” I assured them with a shit-eating grin. “Let’s do it.”
“Yay!” Elissa squealed.
“That’s the answer we were waiting for,” Eva said.
“I’m excited and nervous,” Mahini confessed.
Thoughts of anything other than the three women before me fled my mind, and my breaths came in short pants already. I was about to be the luckiest man in the world. I had three sexy women who loved and worshiped me, and I could already tell that I was going to enjoy every minute of the night ahead.
“Ladies.” I grinned. “I hope you’re ready for a night you will always remember.”
Chapter Four
“Why don’t we make sure the house is empty before we begin?” Elissa suggested with a sly wink. “We wouldn’t want the men downstairs to get jealous or anything, now would we?”
“Ever conscientious of the people around you, my love,” I replied. “I’ll handle it. G
ive me just a moment.”
“We will be waiting eagerly for you to return,” Eva purred.
“And we won’t get started without you,” Mahini added with a teasing smile.
“Better not,” I growled, and then I turned to head back downstairs with a shit-eating grin on my face.
My lunch was completely forgotten, but all the blood had escaped my brain for the moment, so any thoughts other than of my three sexy women had fled my mind. All I could think of was getting my house completely empty so we could lock the doors and have our baby-making fun.
It was going to be an amazing night, that was for sure.
While the sun was still pretty high in the sky, I didn’t plan on accomplishing anything else for the rest of the day besides making sweet love to all my ladies, so I pulled the curtains closed in the living room before I went outside.
I took a few deep breaths to calm the raging hard-on I had since I didn’t want my men to see me like that, and when I’d regained my composure and some of my brain cells, I angled around to the side where the wagon was parked.
Jorgen and Corvis were sitting on the emptied-out wagon, and judging from the way their faces lit up when they saw me, they’d been waiting for me.
“Are you guys all done?” I asked with a pleased smile.
“Yes, sir.” Jorgen nodded. “We didn’t know if you needed something else?”
“Nope.” I grinned. “You guys did great, but if you don’t mind, would you keep the knowledge of the treasure to yourself? I don’t want too many ears getting wind or we may end up with thieves.”
“We wouldn’t dream of it, sir,” Corvis insisted with an earnest expression.
The shaggy-haired horseman was one of my most loyal followers, and he seemed eternally grateful to be a part of my crew. A while back, he’d opened up to me about his past, and how it had made him the man he was now. He’d had a hard life, but all of that was behind him now that he was under my protection.
“Good.” I jerked my chin toward the road. “Now, go relax and have some fun. You’ve earned it.”
“Meh, it wasn’t so hard.” Jorgen shrugged. “But I could go for a pint of ale. How about you, Corvis?”
“Aye,” the horseman agreed. “Or two.”
Then the two saluted before they jumped down from the wagon and ambled toward the tavern. Stryker, the bar owner, would fix them up right, so I knew my men would be well taken care of for the rest of the day.
That left me and my women alone in our house, which meant the real fun was about to start.
A shit-eating grin spread across my face as I trotted back up the stairs and went inside. I closed and locked the door securely behind me, and then I closed the rest of the curtains in the house and lit some candles. There were still a lot of spaces that needed to be broken in, and I wanted the atmosphere to be perfect so the girls could relax and focus on pleasure.
This house would never be the same again, but I could live with that.
I heard giggles radiating from the stairs, and my hard-on returned almost instantly. The idea of all three of them naked and in my grasp at once set my blood on fire, so I jogged quickly up the stairs and burst in the bedroom door.
“The house is ours, ladies,” I announced. “Let’s get this party started!”
The three girls were seated around the small table, and they munched on their lunch with happy expressions.
“Food first, husband,” Elissa said around a mouthful of kayso diya. “We’ll all need our strength, after all.”
“Alright,” I chuckled, and I sat between her and Eva before I grabbed one of the cheesy warm tortilla pockets from the pile. It was just as delicious as I remembered it being, but I scarfed it down quickly. No matter how hungry I was, I wasn’t about to be distracted from my surprise.
I was ready to get to the foursome.
The girls watched me with amused expressions while I ate two more of the cheesy hot pockets, and they finished their own food a short while before me. When we were all done eating, I glanced around the table with an expectant look.
“Well…?” I asked as I held my breath, and I made a new save point so I could reset to the beginning to enjoy the rest of the day as many times as I wanted.
“Just tell us what you want us to do,” Mahini said in a soft, super sexy voice.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” I breathed, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t be the first time I’d have that same thought.
“Good,” Elissa giggled.
“So…” Eva pushed back away from the table, and then she stood before me with one hip cocked to the side. “What do you want us to do, Great One?”
“Well, for starters,” I said, and my tongue flicked out to moisten my suddenly dry lips. “You can take off your clothes nice and slowly.”
“Why don’t you get comfortable first?” Mahini asked with a coolly arched eyebrow.
“Yes.” Elissa propped her elbows on the table, and she planted her chin in her hands. “Show us how it’s done.”
“Alright,” I chuckled as I pushed back away from the table. “I almost feel like we need some stripper tunes blasting.”
“Stripper tunes?” Mahini tilted her head to the side in confusion, but her blue eyes danced with amusement. “More god things?”
“Sorta.” I shrugged, but then I turned my attention to the task at hand. Namely, getting undressed so all three girls could have their way with me at once.
I started by unbuckling my belt and kicking off my boots, but then I noticed the hungry expressions in the eyes of the three women watching me, so I decided to slow it way down. In my head I played some smooth jazz while I pulled my shirt out of my pants with a torturously slow motion. I inched it up to reveal my abs while I swung my hips from side to side, and I half expected the girls to laugh at me, but they were watching with rapt fascination as I exposed more and more of my skin.
“More,” Elissa breathed as her lips parted slightly.
“Agreed.” Eva nodded.
“This is amazing.” Mahini’s eyes twinkled as they roved over my person, and the barely-restrained desire in their icy depths made my cock throb.
“There’s more where that came from,” I informed them as I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it to the side.
I saw my wife’s fingers twitch in response to my half nudeness, and I chuckled at her obvious desire to touch me. It made me want to go even slower, though, so that’s just what I did.
“Now the pants,” Mahini commanded in a firm voice, and my fingers leapt to do her bidding.
“Yes, ma’am.” I untied the strings of the old-fashioned pants, and the front flaps fell apart, which allowed my rock-hard cock to surge out toward the girls. I let the pants fall, and I stepped free of their bounds as a wide smile spread across my face.
The girls all stared at my hard-on like it was the first time they’d ever seen it, but that only made me get harder until my tip bobbed in the air like it was begging them to come say hello. I could have hung a towel on it at this point.
“I think you three are a bit overdressed for our little party,” I teased.
“Lay down and get comfortable,” Eva insisted.
I did as I was told, and I fluffed up the pillows behind me so I was in a half upright position. Once I was comfortable, I gave the girls a thumbs up, and then I rubbed my hands together with excitement. This was a pretty big step for the three girls. I’d been slowly opening them up to new ideas, but they’d come up with this one all one their own, and that alone made it even more exciting to me.
Then the three women sauntered into the center of the room before they began to slowly undress each other.
My heartbeat thudded in my ears as Elissa’s tiny hands pulled Mahini’s shirt over her head, and then the desert goddess did the same to Eva. The blonde smirked as her breasts bounced free from the restraints of her top, and then she moved to untie the strings of Elissa’s dress.
My mouth hung open while I watched every single m
ovement like a hawk, and I felt frozen in place by the tantalizing scene unfolding before me.
Elissa stood bare to the waist with just a slip on beneath her hips, and Eva and Mahini both stood in their leather breeches. All three of them had wonderful, but very different breasts. The desert goddess had full, tan-lined breasts with light-brown areolas, but Eva’s skin was pale and creamy with small round perky tits and bright pink nipples, and Elissa’s were a nice palm-full, oval shaped, freckled, with pale-pink areolas.
I loved their differences and their similarities, and I was eager to explore all of their bodies at once.
“Now the pants,” I mimicked Mahini’s commanding tone, and the three girls giggled in response.
“Yes, sir!” Elissa chirped with a mock salute, and her tits bounced from the movement.
“Oh, look,” Eva observed as her gray eyes roamed down Elissa’s chest. “Your nipples are already hard!”
“I know!” my wife giggled, and her hands moved to her breasts. “It’s all so very exciting, I already feel tingly.”
“Remember, ladies,” Mahini warned. “This is for the Great One.”
“Oh, but Mahini, my dear,” I argued. “Your pleasure brings me so much joy. In fact, I require it.”
“Of course.” The desert goddess’ lips pulled up into a seductive smile. “You always insist on me feeling amazing every time we make love.”
“It’s just what I do,” I laughed. “Now, come on, stop teasing me and take your pants off already!”
The three girls rushed to do my bidding, and they formed a small chain to help each other out. Eva unbuckled Mahini’s pants, who pushed Elissa’s slip to the ground, and my wife tugged Eva’s breeches off her round little ass.
“Keep going…” I licked my lips as my mouth suddenly watered.
Watching them undress each other was almost more than I could bear, but I wanted to take my time and really enjoy it.
Once all three of them were completely naked, they stood before me for inspection. Mahini used her hands to conceal her downy black fuzz covered mound as a self-conscious blush rose to her cheeks, but in contrast, Elissa stood proudly with her hands on her hips and her fiery red curls flung behind her back. Eva crossed her legs demurely, and her gray eyes flicked from my face to the floor with nervous movements.