The OP MC 2 Page 5
I was enjoying the challenge, and I was full of confidence after what I’d already accomplished in this world, but I was definitely looking forward to the end of the fight and collecting my well-earned reward.
I tossed the torch to the side, but I paused for a moment before I dashed forward. It was the slightest change from my normal pattern, but I had a feeling something needed to vary in order for me to beat the puzzle.
The griffon was truly fearless as it charged at me from the sky, and the rage burning in its amber eyes made my pulse quicken with nervous energy. I tumbled out of the way as the talons drug against my back padding, but no blood was drawn.
Still, I wanted to nail this challenge to the wall with a hundred percent completion, so I reset to my save point and tried again.
This was going to be the final attempt, I just knew it, or at least, I hoped so. The beast had just charged at me, so I had a strong feeling he would attempt a landing during this run through.
I only needed to be patient.
I dropped the torch, paused for a moment, then dashed forward to the memorized location. After so many hours spent fighting this beast, this unremarkable piece of earth would forever be etched into my memory as the griffon’s landing spot.
I heard the sound of its wings, and then it screeched from the air.
Where are you, human? it bellowed, and the words rang inside my head as if he’d shouted into my ears.
Then the wind picked up, and I knew it was close to landing. I waited a little while longer since I wanted to be sure I could drive my sword deep into its underbelly, and once I felt the fluttering of wings in the air around my face, I knew the time had come.
I leapt upward with all my might and drove my sword home exactly where I wanted to.
Silvery gray blood pooled from the wound and coated my feather sword to the hilt. The griffon cried out in pain, and the high-pitched sound reverberated through my ears without words. It was a screech of surprise as well as agony, but to me it sounded like victory.
As I stood there panting and congratulating myself, three feathers floated down and landed on the ground by my feet.
I’d done it, I’d drawn first blood on the griffon, and I didn’t have a single scratch on me.
Chapter Three
The griffon pulled himself up into a dignified stance and eyed me with newfound respect.
You have won against me, the beast said in a surprised tone. You must truly be the God of Time.
“I would not lie to one as wise as you,” I replied as I inclined my head in a respectful manner.
The griffon had been one of the toughest single enemies I’d faced yet, and while I’d been confident I’d win thanks to my abilities, it had been a tough battle. The creature had more than earned my respect.
You have removed three of my feathers already, the griffon continued. That will have to suffice you for the moment, but I would advise you to be well prepared before you make the climb to my nest for more. Without wings, the journey is treacherous.
“Thank you for your advice,” I said, and then I bent over to scoop up my prizes from the ground. “I will treasure them always.”
A tingling sensation flashed through me starting at my fingertips and spread all over my body like I’d just touched a live wire. The feathers were light, and they fluttered in the breeze as I got a closer look. They were crimson at the tip, but the vibrant color faded to a silver hue near the quill. The edges were seamless and looked razor sharp, and the feather was so beautiful I couldn’t stop looking at it.
As my finger touched against the tip of one of the feathers, a stat box popped up to hover in the air above it.
Magical Item : Griffon Feather
Weight : .01lbs
Durability : 100%
Magical Aspect : Fleetness, Agility, or Strength
Weakness : Can only choose one aspect
My jaw nearly dropped as I read the words. I had three of the feathers, so I could use one for each of the abilities and still be able to try out all aspects of the magic. I didn’t know how exactly I was going to harness the magical properties, but that was a problem for a different day.
Perhaps the griffon would know more about it, but I doubted he would give me very much help with anything.
I tucked the feathers into my belt so I wouldn’t lose them, and I created a new save point to finalize my victory, since I didn’t want my questions to set the beast off all over again. Then I cleared my throat.
“What can I do with one of your feathers?” I asked in a curious tone.
I do not know what the mortals do with their scavenged feathers, the griffon said in a low rumbling voice. I assume they perform some feat of magic with them. Wouldn’t the God of Time know such things?
This time, I kept my thoughts to myself and gave the griffon a god-nod of respect.
“It is time for you to fulfill the other portion of my terms.” I gave the mythical hybrid a firm look. “You must leave here and never bother the townspeople again.”
Very well, the griffon replied. He bowed his head to acknowledge his agreement, and then his amber eye twinkled. I will warn you, be wary and keep the feathers away from curious eyes, or they may disappear.
“I can take care of my own stuff,” I argued with a shrug of one shoulder. “I’m the God of Time, no one is going to be foolish enough to steal from me twice.”
Once is all it takes, the griffon pointed out.
“Not really,” I laughed, but I didn’t explain further, and I enjoyed the look of confusion on the mythical creature’s eagle face.
I took a couple of steps backward to give the beast room to take off, and I waved as it pumped its wings and took off into the sky. Then I turned back to the town, and after walking through the entrance, I came face to face with dozens of awed faces.
“You did it, Great One!” a townsperson shouted.
“Thank you, O Great One,” another called out.
Then everyone rushed forward to congratulate me. They pulled on my shirt sleeves and patted me on the back, and multiple people clasped my hands firmly to shake them. It was a bit overwhelming but also heartwarming, and I was glad I was able to restore some hope in the eyes of the townspeople. They’d come a far way from the dejected faces and sad looks of a few days prior, and I was proud to say I’d been the cause of the changes in them.
“You were amazing!” Elissa breathed as she threw herself into my arms.
“Thanks,” I murmured into her fiery red hair, and I wrapped my arms around her back. I inhaled her intoxicating floral scent like a starving man shoveling food into his mouth, and then my eyes scanned the crowd for the piercing blue I longed to see.
Mahini materialized before me like I’d summoned her, and the proud glint in her eyes as she gazed at me made my heart soar.
“You didn’t even get a scratch on you,” the desert goddess said as she scrutinized my person. “It’s… amazing.”
“Did you expect me to fail?” I laughed and opened one of my arms to invite her in for a hug. I didn’t let go of Elissa, but both women snuggled against each other and shared the embrace equally.
“Never,” Mahini whispered into my ear. “I knew you would win. You always do.”
“Good.” I grinned, and then I turned my attention back to the crowd and raised my voice so everyone gathered could hear me. “The threat is gone! We can go back to the feast now!”
A loud cheer erupted at my words, and the crowd surged forward into the town and carried me and my women along with them like a boat riding a wave.
I couldn’t stop grinning. I was unstoppable, and the people of Bastianville adored and revered me.
It was good to be a god.
We feasted and partied until the early morning hours, and I noticed several sleeping people at various tables around the celebration area by the time my women and I headed back to our house.
I was so exhau
sted from my battle with the griffon and the long day of partying that the three of us just fell into bed and were immediately asleep. If I’d had more energy, I would have spent the rest of the night making love to Elissa and Mahini, but I knew I’d have more opportunities for that in the future.
When I woke up, my thoughts turned toward my upcoming journey to visit the Duke of Ballard, and I didn’t want to wake up the two women fast asleep in my arms, so I contented myself with my mental checklists.
I would want to reinforce the barricades at the edge of town and make sure all the houses were in tip top shape. Since Mahini and I had cleared out the mines, the townspeople could start making an income again, so they wouldn’t be destitute while I was gone.
I wanted to learn how to mine, too, and do some more blacksmithing. I didn’t know what Jax had done with Lord Loser’s armor, but I was hoping he would help me make a new set that was higher quality than the one I currently owned.
I could even talk to him about the possibility of using the griffon feathers to enhance the stats of the armor. Nothing he’d made for me so far had magical properties, but I wasn’t sure if that was from a lack of knowledge or materials.
Either way, I had a busy day ahead of me, and then I would start preparing for the journey to the duke’s castle.
My women stirred at my sides, and Mahini stretched her arms above her head while she let out a big yawn.
“Good morning,” I murmured as I nuzzled my nose into her jet-black hair. Then I turned my head to do the same thing to Elissa, and both women gave me brilliant smiles.
I was one lucky man.
“Good morning, Bash,” the girls said in unison, and then Elissa erupted into a fit of adorable giggles.
“What are we doing today?” Mahini asked, and her eyes trailed down my body.
I read her unspoken question and chuckled. “We have a lot of work to do on the town before we can leave.”
“Very well…” The desert goddess let out a sigh, but her lips curled up at the corners. “I love that you care so much about Bastianville.”
“Being the God of Time carries a lot of responsibility,” I replied in a soft voice. “I gladly carry it, though.”
“You’ve done so much for the people of Bastianville,” Elissa said, and her emerald eyes were full of adoration as she gazed up at me from the crook of my arm. “Is there anything we can do to repay you?”
“Having you as my wife is more than enough reward,” I answered, and I reached a hand up to tweak her dainty little nose.
Elissa grinned, and the freckles on her face danced with the motion. Then her eyes filled with desire. “It is I who am rewarded with being your wife.”
I could tell the two women were eager to please me, and I basked in their love for a while longer before my bladder urged me from the bed. Then I hopped out of bed, relieved myself, and began some stretches.
Mahini joined me, and the fluid movements of her tanned and athletic body entertained and delighted me. She reached over to touch her toes, and her bare ass jiggled in the air right in front of my face. I caught her mischievous look from between her legs, and my temperature started to rise.
So, I created a save point, and I made love to my women for a few hours until they were panting with blissful release and the day was totally wasted.
Then I reloaded to the moment when Mahini’s ass was in the air, and I grinned to myself. I wanted them to be left horny for the day, so the eventual release would be even better, but now I was feeling somewhat fulfilled.
Once we’d eaten a light breakfast of eggs and fruit, I dressed in a casual outfit of a white shirt, black pants, and my brown boots.
“The two of you should visit Bellona before we leave,” I suggested to the two beautiful women standing in my kitchen. “You both deserve some sexy outfits for when we get to a big town.”
“That’s a wonderful idea!” Elissa gushed, and her emerald eyes twinkled with delight. “I’ve been wanting a new dress for a while.”
“I’ll make sure Bellona makes you a couple of nice outfits as well,” Mahini said, ever the dutiful servant to me.
“Sure, why not?” I shrugged before I kissed my two women goodbye. Then I headed out of my house and aimed for Elrin’s.
The town’s mayor was talking to a small crowd of people outside his house, and he waved to me in greeting as the people dispersed.
“Good morrow, Great One!” Elrin called as I approached. “How did you sleep?”
“Very well, thank you,” I replied politely, and then I gave him a wry smirk. “That mead at the feast put me to sleep like a baby.”
“I am pleased you enjoyed the celebration in your honor,” the Mayor of Bastianville said with a twinkle in his eyes. “It seems we shall have many more before I have left this world. You’ve already gone and saved the town again while the feast from your last victory was still going.”
“It was the least I could do to help you all who’ve shown me so much generosity.” I wanted to keep some semblance of humility. I was the God of Time, but I was still human after all.
“Pssh,” Elrin said, and he waved a dismissive hand. “It may be nothing to a god, but to the people of Bastianville it was lifesaving. There’s no telling what that beast would have done to the town had you not intervened.”
“That’s why I’m here.” I shrugged. “But I won’t be here forever. As you know, I will be taking a journey to the duke’s castle, and I want to make sure the town is safe while I’m gone.”
“What do you have in mind, Great One?” Elrin asked as he furrowed his auburn eyebrows.
“First, I want to make sure everyone I want to talk to is present,” I said as I clapped my hands together. “I need Torya, Caelia, Theodora, and Jaxtom.”
“Right away, Great One,” the town leader replied with a small bow. Then he turned, scanned the streets, and whistled, and Dalwin came trotting over. “Dalwin, I need you to fetch a few people for me. Tell them to meet me inside with Sebastian.”
“Yes, sir.” The boy grinned up at me, and I tousled his hair. “Who am I fetching?”
“Torya, Caelia, Dora, and Jax,” the mayor answered with a curt nod, and then he waved his hands to gesture the boy onward. “Go on, now. Be quick about it.”
“Yes, sir,” Dalwin repeated, and he shot me another wide smile before he turned and took off at a run.
It didn’t take long for the others to meet us in Elrin’s long dining room. The space could have easily fit half the town, so there was plenty of room for the six of us. Jax seized my forearm in his to give me a warm greeting, and Torya muttered something about feeding me as I hugged her.
Caelia dropped into a respectful curtsey, but she didn’t say a word. The general store owner blushed every time my eyes fell on her, and it made her dark skin shine. Dora the healer crossed her arms and looked around the room like she was sizing up her competition, and Elrin glanced from me to the gathered people with a nervous energy.
No one sat down at the long dining table, and the leader of the town eyed the chair at the head of the table longingly, but he remained on his feet. Once everyone was present, they all turned to look at me expectantly.
I made a save point in case I happened to say the wrong thing, and then I straightened my shoulders and did my best to look godly.
“Do you know why you all were chosen to come here today?” I asked in a deep baritone voice.
“I am the leader of Add--er, my apologies, Great One,” Elrin stammered. “I am the leader of Bastianville, so it makes sense for me to be present during a planning meeting, but I do not know why you summoned the others.”
The other four mumbled their agreed confusion, and I sighed at their low self-esteem. The people before me had been among the first to greet me and offer the town’s assistance, so I always thought of them like village elders, but it didn’t seem like they realized this about themselves. It made me realize the concept of social mobility was probably totally unknown in feudal culture
s like this, so what I was about to say might come as a bit of a shock.
“While it’s true that Elrin is the leader,” I said after a long silence, “the town has been renamed and reborn under my protection. So, it’s time to change things up a bit.”
“What do ya intend to change?” Jax asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I intend to spread out the responsibility of managing the town.” I made a point to make eye contact with each and every one of them before I spoke again. “I trust the five of you to work together for the greater good of Bastianville.”
“Thank ye’, Great One,” Jaxtom said with a bow.
“What a high honor,” Torya gushed, and she wrung her hands together. “To be trusted by the God of Time… Goodness…”
Looks of pride flashed across their faces, and Caelia’s face burned with a deep blush. Theodora eyed me closely but then gave the smallest nod, like she’d just won an internal battle with herself. Elrin looked worried, though, so I cleared my throat to bring everyone’s attention back to me.
“When I say work together, I mean no bickering or arguing amongst yourselves.” I gave them a stern look. “If you need help resolving a conflict, I will gladly weigh in on whatever issue there is. I will not have my government fall to endless debating, do you understand?”
“Yes, Great One,” the five townspeople said in unison, and I realized I’d put the fear of god into them. I had to be careful with my tone and intensity since everyone saw me as such a powerful, and possibly dangerous, deity, and I preferred my respect to come from love rather than from fear.
“Now, this will be the first official meeting of the Bastianville Counsel.” I moved to the head of the table and gestured for everyone to sit down. I kept an eye on Elrin as I took his usual place at the end, but the mayor didn’t say a word as he sat to my right.
“The Bastianville Counsel?” Torya asked as her eyebrows wiggled. “I like the sound of that! It has a sophisticated ring to it.”
“Indeed.” Theodora’s eyes locked onto mine, and the corners of her lips curled upward. “You are certainly shaking things up, Sebastian.”