Scholomance 8: The Devil's Academy Read online

Page 17

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” I agreed before I nodded in Revna’s direction. “How much farther do we have to go?”

  “We should reach the peak by dusk,” the dark-blonde beauty said as she studied me from head to toe. “It will be one hell of a climb, but I have no doubt in my mind that you will make it with ease.”

  “Excellent,” I said as Alexander flew down and perched himself on top of my shoulder. “Now, as Vanessa said, let’s get going. I’d rather not be traveling through the dark.”

  Revna nodded firmly in my direction as she led us higher up the mountain, and as we ascended higher and higher, the altitude made it nearly impossible to breathe. My lungs felt tight, and each breath I took robbed me of my energy, but I refused to slow down.

  “Shit, how much farther now, Revna?” Nyx groaned as we followed her as quickly as possible. “I could go for some hydra herbs right about now.”

  “You could always go for some kind of herbs or smoke, Nyx,” Penelope playfully chuckled as she nudged the blue-skinned beauty in the ribs.

  “Yeah, but these prevent you from having to breathe, without, you know… dying, and they can also be used to make breathing easier if you only take a pinch,” the horned witch chuckled. “Maybe if I check my pockets, I could find a couple of leaves in here somewhere… ”

  “Shit, really?” Marina asked with raised purple eyebrows. “You have them on you? Are there any side effects?”

  “Well, in larger doses it makes you high as a bird, but in small doses, it’s safe, and like I said, just makes breathing easier,” Nyx responded as she carefully searched through her pockets. “Ah! Thank Satan, I think I found some.”

  We watched as the sapphire-skinned Wicca pulled out a small handful of rainbow-colored herbs and presented it to us with a wide grin. As I looked closer, I realized they smelled of wilted roses and sour fruit, and it made my face scrunch up in distaste.

  “How do you take them? Vanessa asked as she raised a skeptical eyebrow in the horned witch’s direction. “And are you completely sure they’re safe? I’m not taking anything that could slow us down or make us vulnerable.”

  “No, as I said, these are perfectly safe in small doses,” Nyx replied in a sure voice. “Trust me, I’ve used them whenever I’ve had to steady my rapid breathing. Sometimes, I get nervous, and these help me chill, but you’re still fully alert and capable of wielding magic of any kind.”

  “Fine,” the professor agreed after a long moment, “but I want everyone just to take the smallest pinch like she said.”

  “There’s not much anyway.” I shrugged. “We’ll be fine.”

  “How do we take it?” Circe asked as she stared down at the particles with wide, curious snake-eyes.

  “You just take a small amount like so,” Nyx said before she pinched a little bit in between her blue fingers, “and then you let it sit under your tongue and wait for it to melt. You should feel the effects in a matter of seconds.”

  “Sounds like this will be an interesting feeling,” Vesta purred before she took the initiative to drop a few specs under her long, pink tongue. “Hmmm… tastes like lemon cakes.”

  “It tastes different to everyone,” Nyx explained with a cheeky grin. “Go on and take a morsel.”

  We exchanged mystified looks with one another before taking a small amount of Nyx’s drug, and as the crumbs liquefied under my tongue, my chest instantly felt light as a feather. Air seemed to seep in and out of my lungs with ease, and even the air seemed crisper.

  “Unholy shit,” Circe said as her serpentine eyes widened with disbelief. “This feels absolutely incredible.”

  “I think it feels weird,” Morgana said with her nose scrunched up. “It feels like I’m breathing, but my chest isn’t even moving up or down, and I can’t really feel any air going through my nostrils.”

  “How’s your head, master?” Nyx asked as she cocked her head to the side.

  “A little light feeling,” I responded, “but not in a bad way.”

  “Excellent,” the blue-skinned witch replied with a proud smile.

  “Now, let’s keep going,” Vanessa ordered. “We can make camp once we reach the top of the peak.”

  “Agreed,” Revna said in a firm voice. “Let’s go.”

  We carefully trailed after Vanessa and Revna as we clambered higher and higher up the jagged mountain peak. The walk was more manageable now with Nyx’s drug coursing through our blood and lungs, but the air was still bitter and freezing. Finally, as the sun began to set, we came to the very top of the mountain, and when I saw the view before us, just several leagues away and down the dragon’s peak, my mouth hung open in shock.

  There appeared to be a small village down below, and beyond that, there was a giant lake of fire. The pit was filled with what appeared to be boiling, crimson lava. There was no bridge to cross it, but past that, there was an entire castle made of pure ice. The structure glittered like diamonds and contrasted sharply against the molten lake of death and destruction.

  Beautiful, isn’t it? the woman from my dreams echoed inside my head. Yet the castle is even deadlier than the fire you see beneath it. Together, you’ll need to find a way to cross the lake, and once you do, you will need to find the second artifact inside the ice palace.

  “Unholy shit,” Akira gasped as her eyes scanned the beautifully chaotic view before us. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “I’ve never even read about it,” Morgana breathed in amazement and fear.

  “That’s where the second artifact is,” I said.

  “Do you know where exactly?” Vanessa asked, and I was a little surprised she didn’t question me further.

  Perhaps now, she finally had enough faith in me.

  “All I know is that it lies somewhere within the castle,” I answered. “I can’t say where exactly, but first, we’ll have to find a way to get there.”

  “Which we can do at first light,” Revna said. “The village you see just before the lake is filled with guards, and we need to come up with a plan to get past them before we cross the lake of fire. So, let’s get some rest, and I suggest we sleep in groups just to be sure no one is left alone.”

  “Normally, I would disagree,” Vanessa sighed, “but I think that’s the wisest choice. Revna, Circe, Nyx, Marina, and Beatrix, you will sleep in my tent. The rest of you can join your master. The familiars will stand watch, and tomorrow at first light, we’ll devise a plan to pass the village. Understood?”

  “Yes, Professor,” I replied as the others muttered their agreements.

  Vanessa created two tents, but we shared a cold meal in a tight circle before we crawled into our simple quarters. We didn’t dare make a fire this time, for who knew who could see us at the top of the peak. Once we finished eating, Vanessa and her group crawled into their tents while the remaining Wiccas followed me into mine.

  It was cold inside, but as usual, there were piles of furs and silks laid out for us, and a sliver of the tent’s opening allowed the bright moonlight to shine through. As I began to remove my furs, unbutton my shirt, and take off my boots, Akira, Penelope, Morgana, Vesta, and Faye all eyed me with feral desire, and lustful temptation instantly filled the tent.

  “Master,” Morgana purred as she took a small step closer toward me. “Tomorrow, we have no idea what Satan has planned for us. This might be one of the deadliest tasks we have yet to embark on, and if you wish it, I’d like for us to please you tonight.”

  “Is that so?” I growled as coursing lust flowed through my entire body. “Well, since we have the familiars to stand guard, I think we can take the night to enjoy ourselves.”

  “We’d love nothing more than to touch you, master,” Akira added. “We long to feel your hot seed inside our wombs.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it every night and day,” Vesta purred as her silver eyes dropped to my crotch. “Through snow, storms, and thickets, I’ve only been dreaming about your massive member deep inside me.”

nbsp; “We need you to fill us up,” Faye cooed, and she bit seductively at her plump lower lip. “We need your unholy seed to fill our pussies up to the brim.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, what are you waiting for?” I chuckled as I marveled at each beauty. “Get undressed… but do it slowly. I want to enjoy every second.”

  “Yes, master,” the women cooed with coy smiles and glassy eyes.

  Without wasting a precious moment, each woman carefully stripped naked, and I could feel myself instantly growing harder. My cock twitched and quivered at the sight of their bare bodies, and I couldn’t decide which woman to claim first. Each was just as delicious as the last, but when my eyes fell upon the gorgeous Morgana with her long tumbling curls and doll-like eyes, I beckoned for her to come closer.

  “Morgana,” I growled. “Since you were the first one to show initiative, you will be the first to taste and feel my cock tonight. I want you to enjoy every inch of me, and I promise, when you’re done, I will fuck you senseless. I’ll screw your brains out and make your entire body tremble… now, is that what you want?”

  “Yes, master,” the sexy brunette purred. “More than anything.”

  “Then come closer,” I ordered. “Get down on your knees and unbutton my trousers. You know what to do.”

  I stood there shirtless, and as she crawled closer, I could feel my rod growing harder and harder. I watched her full breasts swing back and forth as she crept closer on her hands and knees like a cat in heat, and a small, playful smile crept across her face as she began to undo my trousers. Then she gently pulled down my pants and helped me to kick them off, and now that I was completely naked, the women all sighed as they stared at me from head to toe.

  “Master,” Vesta sighed in a dreamlike voice. “You look so beautiful under the pale moonlight. Every muscle of yours gleams like a marble sculpture under the sun, and your eyes shine even brighter than usual.”

  “You are truly magnificent,” Penelope agreed, and she chewed on her bottom lip as her chocolate-brown eyes raked over me. “I can’t wait to feel you deep, deep inside me.”

  “Neither can I,” Faye added as she tossed back her blood-red hair to expose her full, freckled breasts.

  “You’ll all have your turn,” I firmly reminded them as I looked down at Morgana’s full lips and shimmering eyes. “As long as you have patience, you shall receive your reward. Understood?”

  “Yes, of course, master,” the women replied without missing a beat.

  “We swear to obey your every whim and desire, sir,” Akira said with a small bow.

  “Good girls,” I growled. “Then I want you all to gently fuck each other while Morgana sucks long and hard on my cock. But you’re forbidden from cumming. That’s an order.”

  “And one we’d be more than happy to obey,” Penelope said with a mischievous grin. “Because only you could give us what we truly desire.”

  “She speaks the truth, master… now may I begin?” Morgana asked in a pleading voice. “I’d love to taste you now. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

  “Yes, you may begin,” I grunted before I grabbed a fistful of her dark hair. “Go now and begin slowly. We have all fucking night.”

  The brunette’s eyes lifted to meet mine before she slowly opened her mouth to gently lick the tip of my cock. She moaned, and the corners of her lips pulled into a small smile as her tongue swirled slowly around my flared tip.

  “Do you like that?” I teased as I tapped my throbbing head along her hot tongue with my free hand, and with the other, I tightened my hold on her hair.

  “Hmmmmmm,” the bookish brunette moaned as she opened her mouth wider.

  “She loves the taste, master,” Akira chuckled, and when I looked up to see what the others were doing, Akira had her fingers deep inside a moaning Vesta while Penelope was busy sucking on Faye’s perky nipples.

  “She does, doesn’t she?” I grunted before I looked back down at Morgana. “Now, be a good girl and wrap those lips around my entire cock.”

  Morgana took me all the way inside her warm, wet mouth without wasting a second, and she moaned as I prodded deeper inside her throat. As I thrust further inside her, I gripped on her dark locks and bucked my hips with more enthusiasm, and each time I fucked the back of her convulsing throat, she gently gagged until tears welled in the corners of her eyes.

  “That’s it,” I sighed as I tossed my head back and urged her to move her head in faster motions. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  “I don’t think she would dream of it, master,” Faye mewled as Penelope nibbled on her earlobe. “She wants to swallow every bit of your cream. She is so hungry for you. We all are.”

  Morgana continued to slurp and hum along my length greedily, and as she went deeper and faster, I knew she was growing hungrier and thirstier for my cream. She wildly bobbed her head up and down my length, and I knew she would not stop until she had a generous amount of my seed in her mouth.

  “Look at her go, master,” Akira giggled as she flicked at Vesta’s swollen, lilac clit. “She’s such a hungry girl.”

  “She is indeed,” I chuckled, and I moved her head faster along my throbbing member. “Soon, she will receive her reward… and so will the rest of you.”

  “Hmmmmmm,” Morgana moaned as she moved her head and licked up and down along my underside.

  The beautiful brunette’s chest heaved up and down, and then she started to use her soft hands to caress and move up and down along my length. The combination between her hot tongue, warm mouth, and the feel of her hands made my entire body quiver with desire, and I could feel myself about to reach my threshold.

  “I’m cumming,” I gasped, and my head spun right before my dick violently twitched and exploded inside Morgana’s mouth.

  The brunette quickly and eagerly slurped my cum and moaned, right before I gently pulled out and splayed the rest of my cream around her full breasts and lips. By the time I finished releasing my load, the gorgeous Wicca was covered with my seed, and she looked into my eyes and licked her lips with a coy smirk.

  I greedily gasped for air and chuckled breathlessly before I looked at the other women.

  “All of you come here and lick every inch of Morgana clean,” I commanded. “Don’t waste a single drop, and once you’re done, I want Faye and Morgana down on all fours. Then make sure the others can see your faces while I fuck you both from behind. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir,” the women giggled before they ran their tongues all over Morgana’s lips, chin, neck, and breasts.

  I sighed with pleasure and watched closely as the witches teased and licked the brunette clean. I could feel my rod hardening as the naked women giggled and slurped along Morgana’s perfect body, and soon I was hard as a rock and ready to plunge deep inside the next warm, wet Wicca.

  “Enough,” I ordered. “Now, come here and present yourselves to me. Akira and Vesta… spread your legs wide open for me so I may see every inch of you while I fuck your Wicca sisters good and hard.”

  “Yes, master,” the women said without hesitation.

  Morgana and Faye each crawled over to me, wriggled their asses, and arched their backs as I stood tall and erect behind them. Both were eager and deserving, but after Morgana’s magnificent performance, I thought it was only fair to give in to her desire first.

  “Are you ready for me?” I teased before I neared the brunette’s bright pink pussy lips.

  “Yes, with all my heart and body,” Morgana responded breathlessly. “Please fuck me deep and hard.”

  “You’ve been such a good girl,” I cooed before I slipped a finger inside her sopping pussy. “By Satan, you’re drenched, aren’t you?”

  “Only you can make me soooooooo wet, master,” the brunette sighed before I plunged another digit inside her hungry hole and began to saw in and out of her folds. “Oh, fuuuuuuuuuck, master, yes! You’re sooooo deep.”

  “And I’ll be even deeper once I plunge my whole cock inside your tight little pussy,�
�� I growled. “Would you like that, Morgana?”

  “Master, you know I would,” she panted as I continued to tease her with my fingers and then gently rubbed my thumb along her throbbing clit. “I’d die for your cock.”

  “So would I,” Faye whined, and when I turned to her, I flashed her a small grin.

  “Don’t worry, Faye,” I purred as I momentarily locked eyes with the green-eyed vixen. “Your time will come soon enough. I promise… but only if you behave and have patience.”

  “Yes, master,” the redhead sighed, and she arched her back ever further like a cat in heat. “I will do whatever you command of me.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” I said before I gently pulled my wet fingers out of Morgana’s sopping pussy. I then started to rub my head along Morgana’s soaked pussy lips, and each time I neared her tight opening, she mewled and pushed back against me.

  “Ohhhh… master,” the brunette whined. “Finally… your cock…”

  “Do you want me to slip inside you now?”

  “Yes, pleeeeeeeeease,” she cried out. “Master, fuck me until I collapse!”

  “Since you’ve earned it,” I chuckled, “I believe I will.”

  So, as promised, I slipped my slick member deep inside Morgana’s hungry tunnel, and we both groaned with immediate gratification when our bodies were connected. At first, I began to buck my hips gently, and I slowly prodded deeper inside her hot, demanding cavern. Morgana mewled and moaned as I ventured deeper inside her sopping cunt, and when I grabbed her perfect hips and thrust even harder, she squealed with pleasure and tossed back her long, chocolate hair.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she cried out breathlessly. “M-M-Master, your cock feels like nothing else in this world. Unholy f-f-fuck, I think I’m going to pass out.”

  “Don’t you dare,” I grunted before I bit my nails deeper into her soft flesh. “You’re not cumming until I fucking tell you to.”

  “Yes, m-master,” she keened, and her panting quickly grew more erratic as I picked up the pace. “Oh, please, more, more, more!”

  “She’s so hungry for your cock and seed,” Akira giggled, and when my eyes flicked upward to meet her glassy black ones, I quickly looked down to marvel at her wide pussy, which was already glistening as she slipped her fingers in and out of her hole. “Hmmm, master, you’re making me soooooo horny and impatient. Satan knows I can’t wait another second for you to be deep inside my pussy.”