Scholomance 8: The Devil's Academy Page 15
“Are you out of your bloody mind, Cole?” Vanessa snapped, and venom oozed from her lips. “What in Satan’s name are you thinking?”
“Just allow me to explain before you chew my head off, alright?” I retorted, and I did my best to keep my temper in check. “I’ve seen things… I’ve dreamt of her and had visions. Sometimes, I can feel her heart as if it were my own.”
“And what do you feel?” the professor demanded before she crossed her arms across her chest and pursed her lips. “Please, be precise, because I’m having trouble understanding this sudden and foolish revelation.”
“It is neither sudden nor foolish,” I bit back. “Perhaps if you could set your stubbornness aside for one moment, it will make sense to you.”
“Fine,” Vanessa said after a long moment of awkward and tense silence. “Explain… I will not interrupt.”
“As I said,” I began, “I’ve been having visions and dreams of her. I have seen into the depths of her soul, and there is darkness as well as light. The woman is torn between the elder way of life and the spirit of the Wicca. I can feel her heart longing to return to our side… she may not know it yet, but she belongs with us. Could you imagine just how powerful we’d be with her fighting for us rather than against us? Think of the secrets she could spill. We’d be able to know every weakness of theirs and take advantage of her immense knowledge.”
“I can see your point, Cole,” Revna said as her bright eyes looked around at the other women, “and I can see your coven feels the same way. There is not an ounce of doubt in their eyes.”
“She speaks truly,” Penelope said with her chin raised. “I have no uncertainty flowing through my veins.”
“Neither do I,” Akira added in a firm voice. “Whatever you choose to do, I’m with you all the way, master. We all are.”
The others muttered their agreements, but Vanessa continued to stare me down with her icy-blue eyes.
“And just how do you plan on swaying her to our side?” the professor asked with her head cocked. “Do you really believe you’re that persuasive? I know you’ve bent these other women to your will, but not all of us are so easily smitten by your power or supposed charms.”
“It will take time,” I said in a patient voice as I ignored her veiled insults. “I don’t expect her to come waltzing back into the darkness anytime soon… what I first need to do is grow our bond. I believe I can achieve this.”
“Your bond?” Vanessa demanded as her eyes trailed to the necklace around my neck. “Doesn’t that pendant prevent her from seeping into your mind?”
“No,” I answered. “It only keeps her from masking her voice as someone else… someone who has been a constant companion of mine.”
“The woman from the painting?” Morgana breathed with wide eyes. “Is that who you speak of, master?”
“It is.” I nodded. “And even she agreed we needed to turn Samara to our side… and what’s more, she said Headmistress Theodora has settled on the notion, too, and we can’t disrespect her wishes, now can we, Vanessa? She’s not only your mentor but your mother as well.”
A heavy silence fell over our unholy communion as everyone took in this new information I had to offer. I knew it was a heavy thing to bear, but I also knew they could handle it.
“So… master,” Penelope said after a long moment. “What’s the plan now? Do we still collect the artifacts?”
“Yes,” I responded quickly. “We’ll seize each one and bring her to an ultimatum. Either she joins us, or I destroy her only life source left… by then, I have a feeling she will see reason.”
“Let us hope,” Vanessa growled, but before she could say anything else, we heard a soft caw in the sky, and we saw that the familiars had returned. When Isobel reached Vanessa’s feet, the professor snapped her fingers, and three tents appeared in the snow. The professor’s eyes were tired, and her face was etched with concern as she slowly stood up and brushed the flecks of snow out of her black-brown hair. “This conversation has made me weary. I’m going to bed… I suggest you all do the same.”
We silently watched as the professor strolled to her tent, and Isobel obediently followed. No one said a word for quite some time until Akira pursed her lips together and whistled.
“Well, hell, master,” the ebony-haired beauty chuckled. “That was a lot to unload on us.”
“It had to be done,” I said with a light shrug. “I know it wasn’t what you expected, but I want you to know I have everything under control.”
“It’s a heavy burden to bear, Cole,” Revna commented under her breath. “To sway the mind of someone who is so far gone… do you think you can manage it?”
“Our master can achieve whatever he sets his mind on,” Nyx drawled as she leaned back with her elbows on the ground. “If he believes he can do this, then he will.”
“Very well,” Revna said before she stretched out her body and rubbed her neck. “I’m off to bed as well… I’m assuming the familiars will take turns standing watch?”
Tell her I’m already on it, Alexander’s voice crept into my head before he perched himself on my shoulder. I’ll take the first shift. Just rest up and don’t worry about us. We’ve got this.
“Thanks, Alex,” I chuckled before I turned to the others, and he flew off to stand guard on a stone overlooking the entire camp. “He said he will take the first watch. Now, let’s get some rest while we can, shall we?”
Revna smiled before she slipped into her own tent, and the others all followed me inside our large one. There were thick blankets of furs and soft silks laid out on the ground, and the layers were so thick, we couldn’t feel the cold underneath as we laid down on them. The women curled themselves up against me and pressed their bodies against mine, and at first, everyone was silent until Beatrix spoke in a low whisper.
“Do you think Vanessa is angry with us?” she asked.
“She’s always angry about something,” Akira mumbled before she wrapped a leg around me. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
“She’ll come around,” I said in a reassuring voice. “Let’s just rest and prepare ourselves for another long journey. Deal?”
“Yes, master,” the women answered in unison before they drifted into a deep sleep.
At first, I thought my night would be uninterrupted, but I soon found myself drifting into another vivid dream. This time, there were no ruins or classrooms, but instead, I found myself standing in the middle of a lush green forest. The air was crisp and smelled of newborn flowers and pine wood, and as I looked around and took in my surroundings, I saw a mother black bird bring her chirping babies rotting meat to feast on. Down below in the thicket, a pack of wolf pups drank a river of blood and licked their snouts as they buried their faces into a wide-open fawn. Beyond the wolves, I saw two bears tearing into each other in a territorial fight, and I watched with fascination as they slashed each other with gruesome ferocity. I could see and smell everything, but no one seemed to sense me, and as beautiful and angelic as this greenwood was, it was also filled with feral desire and death.
And that’s when I knew everything here was a perfect balance between light and dark.
“What are you doing here?” Samara’s voice suddenly called out. “This is my dream! For heaven’s sake, get out!”
“What are you so afraid of?” I asked as I craned my neck to find her, but she was nowhere to be seen. “Your voice quivers… do you fear me?”
“Of course not!” she snapped fiercely, and her voice echoed like a bell through the woods. “Why in God’s name would I be afraid of you? You’re nothing but a man, playing with magic and taking weak-minded women as your pets. Mark my words, I’ve faced greater threats than you, and soon I will crush your black heart and evil soul.”
“My women are strong,” I said in a firm voice. “I think you’d see yourself in them if you just looked a little closer.”
“Nonsense,” she hissed, and this time, it felt like she was standing right behind me
. “I’d never see anything in your women other than weakness and sin.”
I whipped around, and I saw her standing there basking in the pale light of the green woodland.
Her golden-brown hair tumbled down her shoulders and cascaded to her small, hourglass waist. Her narrow eyes were smudged with gold and silver, and it made her vibrant sea-colored orbs stand out more than usual. Her full lips were painted with rouge, and her cheeks glowed a rosy pink. She wore a pale-blue sheer gown, and I could see the outline of her peach-colored breasts protruding through the thin fabric. On top of her dress, she had on a deep, sapphire-blue velvet cloak with gold embellishments sewn into the hem and hood, and around her porcelain neck, she wore a simple gold chain with a small cross. To me, she looked beautiful, like a portrait, but there was also evil lurking behind those angelic eyes of hers.
“You’re wrong,” I said as my eyes met hers, “and I think you know that.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” she snapped before she turned away from me and began to stalk away through the trees.
“What is this place?” I asked as I followed her and took another look around, and wherever my eyes landed, something beautiful seemed to be overshadowed by something dark and cruel. “I can feel a strange presence here…”
“It’s the Godswood,” the elder goddess said without turning around to look at me. “It is a place where my soul usually finds peace and holy answers… although lately, death and darkness have fallen upon the forest. And I have a feeling you might have something to do with it.”
“And you only travel here when you sleep?” I asked.
“Yes,” she responded after a moment, and this time, she stopped in her tracks and spun around to face me. “If I could kill you now, I would… but powers do not have the same effect in the dream world. I hope you know that I will find you… I’ve not given up just yet. I know you are somewhere on the mountain path, and I will send someone to find you and cut your throats while you sleep.”
“You have so much hate and anger dwelling inside you,” I said as I took a step closer to her, and I could have sworn she flinched. “I can feel it on your skin like perfume. I know, deep down, that you long to return to your roots. You are as evil and callous as I am, yet you choose to pretend otherwise. Isn’t it exhausting, Samara? Aren’t you tired of pretending to be something you’re not? Come back to us… come to me, and I will see that your deadly and dark powers are restored. We can make you a Wicca again. I know the ritual.”
“Shut your filthy mouth,” she snarled, and for a moment, I thought I saw angry tears in her eyes. “You have no idea what the hell--”
“Hell?” I echoed with a smirk, and this time, her entire body flinched, and she took a small step back. “You said it… you know you long to return. Just give up this charade and save me the trouble of having to hunt for the artifacts… because whether you want to accept it or not, I will find them.”
“Shut up!” she screamed, and suddenly, the air turned ice cold, and the pale blue sky grew black as night.
A smile crept across my face as the angelic woodland turned cold, naked, and dark.
“See?” I smiled. “This is you. This is you and your unholy glory. Do not wish it away… Instead, embrace it and become the Wicca you were truly meant to be.”
Before she could answer me, a strong pull dragged me away from Samara and the Godswood. I could feel my body and mind returning to the world of the living, and when I opened my eyes, I was back in the tent, and it was still dark. I knew I could have slept for longer, but now I was more awake than ever.
The women had their arms and legs splayed over me as they slumbered, and I did my best to gently pry myself away without waking them up. I quietly wrapped my furs around me and stepped out of the tent, but when I saw a hooded figure gazing out at the bluish gold horizon, my hands instantly went to my wand.
“It’s just me, Cole,” Vanessa’s voice sighed, and when she turned around, her bright blue eyes fixated on mine. “I couldn’t sleep, and Isobel was standing watch, so I decided to join her.”
“Has she spotted anything?” I asked as I approached the beautiful professor.
“No,” Vanessa said, “but she was hungry, so I let her and your familiar go off to find food while the others slept.”
“I see,” I muttered before I awkwardly shuffled my feet and rubbed the back of my neck.
“Cole,” Vanessa said in a small voice. “About last night. I know I was harsh, stubborn, and angry… but I took all night to think about what you said, and I have to agree with you. I think Samara would make an excellent addition to our Scholomance army… and your coven. I think she can be swayed as well, but I do not believe it will be an easy task.”
“I never said it would be, Professor,” I remarked, and I could feel a small smile creeping across my face, “but I’m glad you’re seeing reason.”
“Well, don’t get used to me agreeing with you,” she said without meeting my eyes. “As I said, it won’t be simple.”
“Together, I’m sure we can accomplish anything,” I replied. “You’re one of the most remarkable Wiccas in existence, not to mention one of the most beautiful. I’m sure once she meets you, she will want to return to our side. Mark my words.”
Vanessa didn’t say anything in return, but she turned a deep shade of crimson and looked down at her feet.
I didn’t mean to only flatter her because every word I spoke was true. I knew, deep in my black heart, that once Samara realized just how powerful Vanessa and my coven were and just how mighty I could be, she would have no other choice but to join us.
As Vanessa and I stared out into the rising sun, a sudden shiver ran up my spine, and I felt a profound warning overtake all my senses. My blood had run cold, and it was difficult to even move.
“Do you feel that?” Vanessa whispered, and when she slowly turned to look at me, her eyes were filled with terror and warning. “I can feel something approaching, and it longs for Wicca blood.”
Before I could respond, Isobel and Alexander suddenly came rushing back. Isobel had something in her mouth, and when she drew closer, we realized it was a severed arm in her clutches. She dropped it at her master’s feet, and as she did so, Alexander flew down and perched himself on my shoulder.
Cole! he cried out in my head. You have to hurry! Mountain elves are heading this way. Isobel and I took out a couple, but they’re armed, and you’re outnumbered.
“Cole, Isobel just told me that--” Vanessa began, but I cut her off.
“I know,” I said without missing a beat. “Alexander informed me. He says we’re outnumbered.”
“Should we flee, or do we stay and fight?” Vanessa asked, and I was surprised she even cared about my opinion.
“We stay,” I answered before I pulled out my wand and gripped it until my knuckles turned white. “We’ve never run from a fight, and I’ll be damned if we start today.”
Chapter 13
“Wake up the others,” Vanessa demanded as she raised her wand high in the air, “and for hell’s sake, be quick about it!”
“Yes, Professor,” I said in a rushed voice.
I ran toward the tent as my heart beat brutally against my ribcage, and my hands shook as I held onto my wand. When I sprinted inside, the women were still asleep, but rather than gently rousing them awake like I usually would, I called out their names and yanked off their furs.
“Up, up, up!” I yelled. “Mountain elves are on the way! Grab your furs, gear, wands, and prepare to fight!”
“Fuck!” Akira was the first to react as she sprang from the floor and snatched her clothes. “Well, let’s not waste any more fucking time, shall we? Time to slay some motherfucking mountain elves!”
The other women wasted no words as they quickly dressed, gathered their belongings, and stepped outside. A deep, bloody sunrise was shining across the horizon and spreading across the glittering white snow that utterly surrounded us, and when I looked around, I spo
tted the familiars who were all gathered in a group. Their eyes were intently focused on me, but I rushed over to Revna’s tent and bolted inside.
The wild woman was covered with fur blankets, and her dark-blonde hair was splattered across the pillow as she slept quietly with a small, faraway smile playing on her lips. For a moment, she looked like a wild angel who was deep asleep and at peace with whatever dreams crossed her feral mind. I was starstruck as I momentarily gazed upon her beauty, but as much as I wanted to stand there and admire her sleeping form, I knew I couldn’t waste another moment. I had to wake her up and summon her to battle, for she was one of our greatest warriors, and time was desperately running short.
“Revna!” I said as I roughly shook her shoulder. “You need to wake up! Mountain elves are on the horizon. We don’t know exactly how many there are, but we do know we’re outnumbered.”
The wild woman’s icy eyes instantly fluttered open as she sprung up from her deep and serene sleep.
“What?” she demanded before she ripped the sheets and furs off her slender body and then rushed to slip on her boots. The woman was already dressed in her furs and skins, and I imagined that’s how she went to bed every night, fully prepared for the unexpected, and I was both impressed and aroused by her warrior spirit. As she grabbed whatever provisions she needed, she narrowed her eyes at me and frowned. “Mountain elves roam the top of the peak. We’re only halfway up the mountain. I don’t understand it.”
“I cannot explain it, nor would I have the time to,” I said as I watched her grab her bow and arrows. “Alexander and Isobel saw them only a league away, and Isobel even brought back a severed arm. They know we’re here, and they’re out for our blood.”
“Very well,” Revna said in a sharp tone before she nodded toward the slim opening of the tent. Then a small smile spread across her face as she tucked her wand into her waistband. “Let’s get the hell out there and kick some ass.”
I grinned before we swiftly left her tent, and by the time we stepped outside in the blinding white snow and icy air, all the women and familiars were positioned and ready for an attack.