Scholomance 6 Page 12
“Professor Vanessa,” we all responded in unison.
“Oh, right.” Circe nodded. “What class does she teach?”
“Hexes, Curses, and Blood-Magic,” Morgana was the first to respond.
“Well, she must be talented, then, if she can teach three classes,” the blonde witch marveled aloud.
“She’s the headmistress’ daughter,” I added.
“Wow,” Circe said as she chewed on her bottom lip. “I’d better stay on her good side, then, huh?”
“Don’t think she has one,” Akira muttered.
“Attention everyone, please split up into groups of ten… or at least around that number!” the silver-haired witch commanded. “Quickly now, we don’t have all day!”
The students all looked at one another before awkwardly shuffling into their small groups. My coven, as well as Beatrix and Circe, remained where they were, and when the silver-haired professor seemed to be contented with the hundreds of groups, she stood before us with her great raven-black wings spread apart.
“Now,” she began. “Spread your wings as far apart as you can. It’s not difficult… it’s as simple as lifting your arms into the air and stretching them. Go on… try it.”
As she spoke, her wings extended even further, and several students gasped aloud when her feathers began to flex and flutter. When the professor flapped her wings, a swooshing sound filled the air, and a light breeze swept across our faces.
At first, no one made a move to play with their new limbs, so I took a few steps away from my group, and then, with all of my strength, I focused on my wings and spread them as far apart as possible.
It felt strange at first, like a pair of arms had grown out of my back, and the sensation was slightly painful. Still, I pushed through the discomfort, and other students quickly took notice.
“Wow, Cole,” Circe said as she marveled at my extended wings with her wide serpentine eyes. “Did you notice you’re the only one with red wings?”
“He’s the only one with a red shadow double as well,” Beatrix added in a small, uneasy voice. “Not that it’s something to be ashamed of… I mean, I’m just pointing it out… err, that’s not rude, is it?”
“No,” I chuckled. “It’s the truth.”
“See, class?” Professor Olivia grinned as she pointed to me. “Cole has the hang of it… now, everyone, go on and give it a go! It doesn’t hurt, right, Cole?”
“Not really,” I reassured the class with a shrug. “I mean, it feels strange and a tad bit uncomfortable, but that’s it.”
“Well, there you go!” The silver-haired witch smiled. “Go on, class… try it.”
When no one inched or budged, Professor Olivia rolled her teal eyes and gave an exasperated sigh.
“Class… this is not a suggestion,” she tutted with her hands on her wide hips. “We need to get this right. Our lives may depend on this one particular skill.”
“She’s right,” Akira huffed under her breath. “I’m not going to stand here like a little bitch. Cole did it… we can, too.”
My group nodded in agreement, and without another moment of hesitation, they took a couple of steps away from each other and then gradually spread their wings apart.
“Unholy fuck!” Akira bellowed as her midnight wings pulled apart like a giant bat. “Check me out! I’ve never felt sexier!”
“I don’t know if sexy is the word I’d use,” Beatrix mumbled as she spread her golden wings further apart. “Satan… this kind of hurts, huh?”
“Only if you’re a little bitch,” Akira chortled.
“Satan, Akira,” Morgana tutted as she squirmed her wings. “What the hell are we going to do with your potty mouth?”
“Cole knows what to do with it,” the black-eyed witch countered with a small, sexy smile.
My group managed to extend their new limbs after a moment or two of unease, and now, all we had to do was wait for the others to give it a go.
So, I watched with curiosity and intent as the rest of the class slowly started to separate themselves and spread their wings apart. Most of the women scrunched up their faces when they started, but soon, many of the Wiccas were already standing in the vast, luscious green field with their new wings extended far apart.
“Lovely!” Professor Olivia clapped. “I don’t see a lazy pair anywhere… now, let’s move on to the actual flying!”
“Oh, dear Satan,” I heard Beatrix gulp.
“The first thing you’re going to do once your wings are spread as far apart as possible is to push up on the balls of your feet,” the teal-eyed professor explained. “Bend those knees and then spring upward like you’re about to jump as high as possible. Then… use those magnificent wings of yours and…”
Before she could finish her explanation, the silver-haired professor bounced off the grass in one graceful push, and in an instant, she was up in the air. Her wings flapped with ease like she’d done this a thousand times before, and I watched with a gaped mouth and wide eyes as the professor flew through the open sky while her gown ruffled through the wind. Her shimmering hair whipped behind her like a flowing silver river, and we all watched in amazement as she soared like an elegant black swan through the air.
Students began to clap and cheer as Professor Olivia whirled around the groups in a perfect circle, and finally, she returned to the ground with ease and a broad smile across her flawless face.
“See?” she remarked, slightly out of breath. “There’s nothing to it really… you just need to be confident in yourself. Now… Cole, since you were the first one to demonstrate, perhaps you’d also like to be the first one to try out your wings?”
For a moment, I was lost in her magnetic eyes and penetrating smile, and a heavy silence filled the air as I studied her, but I quickly returned to reality, shook my head, and then answered.
“I’d love to.”
“Perfect,” she said as her smile widened. “Just do exactly what I did and try not to panic.”
“I won’t,” I reassured her before I cleared my throat, looked up at the sky, and then steadied my feet.
I took a deep breath before I repeated each step the professor demonstrated. First, I pushed on the balls of my feet, bent my knees, and then lunged upward.
And before I knew it, I was up in the air.
Gasps echoed below me as I fluttered my strong wings and glided seamlessly through the blue sky. I couldn’t help but cry out in ecstasy as hot adrenaline coursed through my entire body, and cold, welcoming air whipped across my face and through my hair.
Riding a dragon had been one hell of a similar experience, but by Satan, this felt like I was on top of the entire fucking world.
“Alright, Cole!” Professor Olivia shouted from below. “Come on down! We’re going to try and fly in groups.”
As much as I wanted to stay up in the air, I descended toward my group and landed perfectly on my feet.
“Fuck, Cole!” Nyx shouted. “That was fucking awesome… dude, I’m so ready.”
“Good to hear, Miss Nyx,” the silver-haired professor giggled. “Now, as for the rest of you, be sure not to stray too far away from your group. You must remain where I can see you, but with that said… off with you all!”
Excitement filled the air as we all lunged from the ground and swarmed the bright blue sky. My group flew close by my side, and their squeals of exhilaration were both endearing and enthralling.
“Wow!” Circe cried out. “This almost makes up for being dead for so long!”
“I bet!” Akira yelled. “This is one of the best days of my life… other than the night Cole made me his, of course.”
“Hell, this is better than the first time I tried dragon breath,” Nyx squealed. “Unholy shit, I never want to fly back down!”
“I’m right there with you!” Faye gushed with delight.
“So, am I the only one feeling slightly sick?” Morgana asked as she shakily flapped her plum-colored wings and pursed her lips.
��Nope,” Beatrix groaned and clapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m right there with you.”
“You’ll probably get used to it,” Penelope assured them.
“And if not,” Vesta purred. “That’s perfectly alright, too… I’m sure it’s not a skill meant for everyone.”
“Yeah,” Morgana said, and I noticed her face was two shades paler than usual. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“You can all come down now!” Professor Olivia shouted as she remained on the ground. “The spell should be wearing off in a few minutes. I don’t want to have you fall to a painful death and then return to Scholomance with fewer students.”
“Yeah, fuck that,” Akira hissed. “I’m not turning into a motherfucking angel pancake.”
“Let’s go,” I agreed.
We all swarmed downward as the rest of the class followed, and when we were all safely back on the ground, Professor Olivia flashed us a proud smile before she retrieved her wand and whipped it in a perfect circle above her head.
We were wrapped up in a cloud of purple smoke, and when it cleared, we were back inside the classroom, and not one student had a pair of wings left.
“Damn,” Faye whispered with her golden-green eyes downcast. “Well, it was fun while it lasted.”
“I’m sure we’ll have a chance to try it again,” I said in a comforting voice.
Before the redhead could reply, something or someone slammed the classroom door open and there, standing at the threshold, was Professor Vanessa.
She wore a long elegant black gown with deep purple lace sewn on the sleeves, and her creamy white shoulders were exposed. Her straight hair fell along her back, and when her cold, ice-blue eyes met our table, her frown deepened.
“Has class finished, Professor?” Vanessa demanded without looking at Professor Olivia.
“Err… yes,” the silver-haired witch began in a hesitant voice. “I’m sorry, but is there a problem, Vanessa--?”
“I need that group over there to follow me.” The dark-haired professor scowled as she pointed in our direction. “Now.”
Professor Olivia’s teal eyes shone with confusion and hesitation, but after a moment, she lightly shrugged and then looked at our table.
“Well, you heard Professor Vanessa,” she said in a firmer tone. “Go on now. You’re dismissed.”
I silently studied the others before we collected our belongings and headed toward Vanessa. She coldly regarded us before she turned on her heels without a word, and we had no choice but to follow her without asking any questions.
She didn’t have to say a word, though. I knew that look on her face because I’d seen it countless times before.
Satan, what were we about to get ourselves into?
Chapter 10
“Quickly now!” Vanessa bellowed as we hurried after her. “We can’t waste a precious second, so move it!”
“Do we dare ask why we’ve been summoned again?” Akira whispered as quietly as possible.
“I don’t think that would be wise,” Vesta purred as we followed the ill-tempered professor.
“She terrifies me,” Circe added in a dramatic whisper. “More than the men who tortured me in rank dungeons and cut bits and pieces off my body and then subjected me to holy crosses and priests.”
“That’s certainly saying something,” I mumbled.
But I wasn’t totally surprised.
“Keep up, for hell’s sake!” Vanessa growled, even though we were right behind her heels.
“If we edge any closer, we’ll literally be kissing her ass,” Akira grunted with a deep frown.
“What was that, Miss Akira?” Vanessa snapped without turning around.
“Err… nothing, Professor,” the black-eyed witch mumbled in an awkward tone.
No one dared to say another word as we headed back to our common room. My mind was whirling with possibilities, but I refused to say anything, even when we slipped into the living room of our shared quarters.
Once we were inside, Vanessa looked coldly around the room and then back at us.
“Retrieve your blood crafted blades and be quick about it,” the dark-haired professor ordered. “You’ll be needing them.”
“Err, Professor?” Beatrix squeaked in a small voice. “My blade is safely stowed away in my room---”
“And I don’t even have one,” Circe added with a small shrug. “Mine was lost years ago… or I traded it for some very rare poisonous pearls… I can’t recall which.”
“Then perhaps you two should just stay here--” Vanessa began, but I cut her off.
“No, they come, too,” I interjected. “I want them by my side.”
“Well… I suppose it doesn’t matter,” Vanessa huffed with an impatient sigh. “The coven’s blades will have to do… and Cole, you will do well to not speak to me in such a manner.”
“Apologies, Vanessa,” I answered with a cool glare.
An awkward moment hung in the air as she glowered at me, but she quickly clapped her hands and then glared at the women.
“Did I fucking stutter?” she snapped at them. “Get your damn blades!”
We quickly parted ways before she could snap at us again, and when I rushed to my bedroom, I wasn’t surprised to see Alexander curled up on my bed in a ball of black fur. As I yanked open my drawer, the sound caused my familiar’s head to shoot up and stare at me with half-hooded eyes.
Silvia? his sleep-filled voice resonated inside my head. Is that you?
“No,” I chuckled before I pulled out my silver and leather hilted blade. “I know the resemblance between us is uncanny, so I can understand the confusion.”
Oh, it’s just you, Cole, he groaned. Sorry… Silvia and I fought, so I thought it was her… coming here to admit she was wrong.
I couldn’t help but wonder what an oversized flying wolverine and a fat furry bear could possibly argue about, but I chose to keep that question to myself.
“Sorry, Alexander,” I said before I finally turned around to face him. “It’s just me.”
Hmmm, he purred. Now, where are you going off to with your precious blade? Off to another one of your secret and deadly missions?
“I’m not sure yet,” I admitted, “but I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Can I come with you? he asked. I’m so fucking bored. Plus, I kind of want to make Silvia worry about me… and then be all impressed when I return with a kick ass story to tell her, you know? Pleeeeeeease, take me with you!
“Not this time, buddy,” I replied in an apologetic tone. “You’re going to have to sit this one out, I’m afraid… something tells me if Vanessa wanted you to come along, she would have made that clear.”
Damn, he pouted. I miss our adventures… I’m a wild animal, man, I need to fight and drink blood and fuck. Rats aren’t exactly cutting it. I mean, they are for the fighting and eating, not the fucking bit.
“I’ll do my best to bring you to the next mission or task… or whatever,” I answered as I stuffed the blade into my waistband. “Satan’s word.”
Pfft… I’ll believe it when I see it, he said before he closed his eyes again. Good luck, though… please don’t die. I’d be bummed out if you never came back. I love you and all that.
“I’ll try not to die, then,” I chuckled before I raced out of my bedroom and down the stairs.
Vanessa was waiting by the threshold with her arms crossed over her chest and a small scowl on her beautiful face when I came down. She was also tapping her foot against the floorboards and huffing under her breath.
Circe and Beatrix were quietly seated on the sofa, and they both fumbled with their hands and stared into the flames with blank expressions on their faces.
“About damn time,” Vanessa growled as she glowered at me from head to toe. “Now… where are the others?”
“We might be a coven,” I answered, “but I’m not constantly aware of their whereabouts… I’m sure they’re just grabbing their blades as you asked.”
As I s
tared at the beautiful, but ill-tempered professor, I couldn’t help but wonder why she was snappier than usual. She was always on edge, but today it seemed like something had crawled up her ass and refused to budge.
“Once again, Cole,” Vanessa hissed and narrowed her ice-blue eyes. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are to speak to me in such a manner, but by Satan, I promise you I will not tolerate it.”
“Isn’t he one of the most powerful, if not most powerful, Wiccas in the entire academy?” Circe asked in a soft, innocent voice.
“Excuse me?” Vanessa snapped as she turned to glare at the blonde-haired witch.
“Well, you just said, ‘I don’t know who you think you are,’” Circe clarified. “So… I was just reminding you.”
The stern-faced professor looked utterly taken aback for a moment, and I was worried for Circe’s sake. No one spoke to Vanessa like that, but before all hell could break loose, the other women clambered down the stairs and nearly tripped as they ran toward Vanessa.
“We’re here!” Morgana cried out as she waved the blade in her hands.
“Yes, I can see that, Miss Morgana.” Vanessa rolled her blue eyes. “Come on now, you’ve all wasted enough time.”
Again, she didn’t grant us the courtesy of telling us what she had in mind, but we had no other choice but to follow her out the door and down the corridors.
As we wove through the hallways, we had to dodge the crowds because it was supper time, and the halls were filled with students making their way to the Great Hall.
“Satan, I’m hungry,” Beatrix muttered under her breath. “I can practically smell the roasted quail and mashed pumpkins from here.”
“Don’t let Vanessa hear you,” Circe warned in a quiet voice. “She might eat you instead. She’s probably starving… I bet that’s why she’s so mean.”
“What?” Akira chuckled. “Circe… you’re a bit fucking odd, aren’t you?”
“I suppose it depends on who you ask,” the blonde witch replied with a small shrug.
“Stop talking!” Vanessa hissed as we turned a sharp corner. “Keep up!”